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Zamzam - money transfers

Latest release: 2.8.63 ( 10th October 2022 ) 🔍 Last analysed 30th November 2021 . Not a wallet
3.7 ★★★★★
139 ratings
50 thousand
26th June 2020

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The Analysis 

App Description

Translated from Russian, the description gives the impression that this app is simply a money transfer.

International transfers for 0%. The Zamzam mobile application is a profitable, fast and secure way to transfer money from Russia to the CIS countries. (Soon not only from Russia).

There’s no information on crypto in the app description.

The Site

On the homepage:

Zamzam Mobile App is a profitable and fast way to transfer money abroad from Russia to the CIS countries

There’s nothing about cryptocurrencies here.

The App

Nothing on the app indicates you can deposit or send cryptocurrencies.


This is not a crypto wallet.


Verdict Explained

This appears to not be a product to receive and send money.

As part of our Methodology, we ask:

Is it a wallet?

If the answer is "no", we mark it as "Not a wallet".

If it’s called “wallet” but is actually only a portfolio tracker, we don’t look any deeper, assuming it is not meant to control funds. What has no funds, can’t lose your coins. It might still leak your financial history!

If you can buy Bitcoins with this app but only into another wallet, it’s not a wallet itself.